May 18, 2007


Once upon a time...

I got to go to breakfast with a friend today, Royce. We shared a lot of good stories. When you hear someone's stories, you understand why they do some of the things they do, why they believe some of the things they believe. We live in a judgmental day where people are quick to form an opinion of you based on your car, your hat, or the logo on your sleeve. But if we took a minute to listen to each other's stories...

Telling a story is a true art form, and Hollywood is doing a good job at sharing some great and provocative stories. Among my favorite stories in recent days have been Blood Diamond, V for Vendetta, and Lady in the Water. Some classic stories are Field of Dreams, Remember the Titans, and--of course--National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

However, in ages past, stories were shared around meals and after dinner. People would ask questions and the responses would come in story form, instead of straight answers. When someone told a good story, imaginations would be ignited, hearts stirred, and faith created. When someone told their story, a good listener would be able to remember it, word for word.

There is something lost when our stories are replaced by the television. We don't listen as well, we don't remember as well, we don't speak so good. So, today, look for a story to share, and find someone with whom to share your stories.

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